Wednesday, April 21, 2010

African Food

This website discusses African cuisine. There is a variety of different ingredients that are used as well as many different ways to prepare the food and techniques to cook the food. The traditional African diet consists of very little meat and focuses more on whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Eating habits of the different African regions very greatly. This website discusses foods in the different regions.

I thought this website was great because while it talked about food in general it went a step further and discussed each region separately. In East African they eat Matoke. It is a dish of steamed, green bananas, provide the filling base in many of the Ugandan meals. In Central Africa meat is hunted in the forest adding an exotic touch when crocodile, monkey, antelope and warthog make it occasionally to the menu instead of beef or chicken. Southern Africans are known to eat game meats like antelope and ostrich. I think the food in West Africa is more like what we are used to eating.

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