The above image is a powerful statement referring to illegal mining and exporting of diamonds out of Africa. I was searching for pictures of diamond mines using google image search when I found this picture and felt I had to use it. The link is to a website that discusses the issue of blood diamonds or otherwise called conflict diamonds. The website covers information such as the definition of a conflict diamond, how to tell if a diamond is a conflict one or a legitimate one and what is being done to stop the illegal practice. "Diamonds are forever" it is often said. But lives are not.
We must spare people the ordeal of war, mutilations and death for the sake of conflict diamonds."This quote was taken off of the website. Martin
Chungong Ayafor, Chairman of the Sierra Leone Panel of Experts is the man who said it. It brings to light the reality of the issue.
I found this website interesting because I myself am a fan of diamond jewelry. I had heard of conflict diamonds before but never really thought about it in much depth. Rough diamond caches have often been used by rebel forces to finance arms purchases and other illegal activities. The pictures on the website were heartbreaking. Seeing the people dig in the dirt with their bare hands searching for diamonds was awful. There was also a picture of a teenage boy who had lost both of his hands to rebels' machetes.
We have learned from our text,
Understanding Contemporary Africa, that Africa is highly "
mineralized" and the map on page 19 shows the countries that have Diamond resources. Although a lot has been done to stop the illegal mining and exporting of diamonds, according to this
website updated THIS MONTH, it is still occurring.